ProTip Ten: Be concise
Our ProTip series is designed to help Professionals on create advice that will become the best answer for any student looking for the answer to a question.
Introducing ProTip Ten:
“Writing concisely makes it easier for readers to learn.”
Make sure your writing stays on topic, and avoid long tangents. Thousands of students want to read your valuable answers, and the more concise your advice is, the more students will read it.
Concise advice is easier to read. Reducing barriers to learning means students will be more likely to spend more time doing it, which will make them better prepared for their career futures.
How do you know it when you see it?
All information shared should be focused and pertinent to the student’s question. Ask yourself, does the student need all of this information?
Examples from the Village
Madhu Gives a great example of being concise, answering the question and sticking only to the most important details:
“Companies are constantly looking for professionals who can blend their skills to…Strong communication skills… Analytical skills… Adaptability is the key…”
Ben (one of the CareerVillage’s interns!) gives specific and concise advice on what it means to transfer in the UC system:
“As a California native I went through the process of applying to UC’s a few years and here are some things to think about…”
What’s next?
- Go back to ProTip #9: Anticipate the Student’s Needs or head all the way back to the start with ProTip #1: Be Direct.
- Share your thoughts with us by emailing us ( or in the comments below!